JUSOS in Madrid!
This summer, on August 8, the activists from the PES City Group Madrid received their friends from the JUSOS, the youth movement of German SPD.
The gathering took place in a venue let by PSOE in central Madrid.
PES Madrid activist Ángela González opened with a brief presentation and then gave way to Hilda Jiménez and José Antonio Gil, militants of PSOE and high-level state officials. They made a brief introduction to the regional system of Spain and to the history of the PSOE during the Spanish transition to democracy ahead of its landslide election victory in 1982.
Horacio Díez, coordinator of PES Activists Madrid, gave a brief talk about Europe and the challenges we face. The event concluded with a group dynamics called "mobile debate", in English and German, on hot European topics such as the project of a European army or the balance of power between the EU Council and the European Parliament.
Then there was a quiz and, of course, a round tapas in a terrace of the very madrileño district of Malasaña.